Friday, August 3, 2007

Join Gmail Video

Gmail is trying to gather videos submitted by different people from anywhere in the world.

Add your clip to this video

Help us imagine how an email message travels around the world. Take a look at the collaborative video we started, and then film what happens next. We'll rotate a selection of the clips we receive on this page, and add the best ones to the video. The final video will be featured on the Gmail homepage and seen by users worldwide.

All it takes is a video camera, the Gmail M-velope ( ), and some creativity.

Submit your clip by August 13th, 2007 to be considered for the final collaborative video.


1. Print out the M-velope (download pdf)

2. Film your part of the story

* Keep it under 10 seconds
* Make sure the M-velope is clearly visible and make sure it enters from the left of the screen and exits from the right
* Don't worry about audio, we'll put music over the final video
* Visit the Google Mail Help Discussion for more tips and tricks

3. Submit your video to YouTube

More information and featured video clips HERE


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